Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being ME (2)

This year I went to Singapore and stayed there for 7 weeks.  Most of my pictures in SG were taken using a Canon DSLR.

I just finished exercising here and it was my second week in SG. I took this picture with my point and shoot canon camera.
It is starting to show little weight I have put on while vacationing in SG. My cheeks have more flesh here. :) I was on my way home from dining out in Frankel St in Kembangan when I decided to take this picture.
As usual I was dining out solo again in this picture.  This was taken in Bugis Junction during Chinese New Year day.

It was a sultry day! Behind me is a buddhist temple. Taken during Chinese New Year day.
You can tell right away I was at Universal Studios.  A friend took my picture using his iPhone.
 From a different angle this time and still with an iPhone.
No, am not redhead but I got red streaks on my hair. That makes me a mean person :)
Woody Woodpecker wanted to dance with me! I say "sure let's dance to Frank Sinatra's The Way You Look Tonight
Frankenstein was so jealous with Woody Woodpecker dancing with me! He wants to strangle me :)
 I dreamt of becoming a respected journalist but landed a job in BPO instead. yeah, i wasn't the subject in this photo :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Being ME

 These photos were taken after I resigned from my 1-800 job using my Canon Ixus 65. It shows a happier and healthier me. I spent a week in Thailand, exploring Bangkok again and Chiang Mai.

                                          Bangkok and Chiang Mai in November 2010
Took my picture inside my hotel room in Bangkok

A visit to one of the oldest floating market outside Bangkok

Behind me is the historic river Kwai

At a Buddhist temple in Ayuthaya, old capital of Thailand

Yeah, it's windy up here!

Look. am surrounded by golden buddhas!

Touching the reclining buddha's huge feet.

Took my pic again in one of the temples in Ayuthaya

Trekking in Chiang Mai
elephant-riding in Chiang Mai